Hosta Buffalo Full Moon Zoom

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Hosta - Funkie Buffalo Full Moon OS

Golden yellow sport from hosta Gemini Moon.
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Popis produktu

Hosta Buffalo Full Moon is a golden yellow sport from hosta Gemini Moon. Light lavender flowers. It is vigorous grower and is very fertile both ways. Leave and clump shape are the same as in hosta Gemini Moon. This is a nice perennial suitable for ordinary planting and garden design, excellent to create a yellow effect in the garden.

How to grow hostas

Save light shade to shade place in your garden to plant hostas. Filtered sun is best for the colorful varieties to reach their full color contrast. The green and blue hostas are the most shade-tolerant. Usually the yellow cultivars are the most sun-tolerant. The most dangerous is a direct sunshine, especially hot afternoon sun. This is the most critical where temperatures are high. Variegated varieties, especially those with a lot of white in the leaves, burn very easily. Blue color of leaves turns to green-blue or even fully green with too much direct sun. Plants with thick leaves are better suited for dry soil conditions than thin-leaved ones, but none is able to grow years-long in very dry soil. Plant hostas in moist, humus-rich soil.

Water your hostas well immediately as you plant them. Give them water regularly during their first one or two growing season.

Hostas grow slowly and may take 2 to 5 years to reach their full size, longer for the largest species and cultivars. Reserve a plenty of space in your perennial bed for hostas. Most of them are medium sized or large perennials. Hostas are almost fully disease and pest resistant. The most dangerous injury can by caused by slugs, snails and deers. 

Ďalšie informácie
Ďalšie informácie
Veľlkosť veľká
Výška x šírka 50 x 90 cm
Veľkosť listu 20 x 17 cm
Rýchlosť rastu stredne
Farba listu žltá
Farba stredu listu Nie
Farba okraja listu Nie
Červené "nožičky" Nie
Odolné proti slimákom Nie
Odolné proti slnku Nie
Farba kvetu svetlolevanduľová
Zvlnený okraj listu Nie
Voňavý kvet (IGNOROVAT) Nie
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  • Hosta Buffalo Full Moon
  • Hosta Buffalo Full Moon
  • Hosta Buffalo Full Moon
  • Hosta Buffalo Full Moon
  • Hosta Buffalo Full Moon

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